Comment remplir les formulaires d’inscription à l’examen PMP

Comment postuler pour passer l’examen de certification PMP en Management de projet

Cette vidéo vous explique Comment remplir les formulaires d’expériences professionnelles en management de projet du PMI afin de postuler pour passer l’examen de certification PMP (Project Management Professional).

Je partage avec vous un email du PMI reçu par un ancien participant à notre formation.

Ce mail vous donnera une idée sur la manière avec laquelle il faut écrire la description de vos projets.

Dear xxxx,

Thank you for your interest in the Project Management Professional (PMP)® Credential. We are in receipt of your application and have identified the following concerns:

Project Descriptions – The descriptions you provided are unclear regarding the tasks per process area and the leadership role that you specifically performed.
Please provide descriptions with more focus on your role leading and directing with the following standards and tasks in mind.

PMI requires that qualified PMP candidates:

* Perform their duties under general supervision and are responsible for all aspects of the project for the life of the project
* Lead and direct cross-functional teams to deliver projects within the constraints of schedule, budget and resources
* Demonstrate sufficient knowledge and experience to appropriately apply a methodology to projects that have reasonably well-defined project requirements
and deliverables. We are unable to ascertain from the project descriptions you have provided if you served as a leader in the capacity on the projects per
the aforementioned role definition. Project descriptions should be documented clearly enough to ascertain whether or not the projects documented truly are

Furthermore, project descriptions should consist of the following:

* A brief, one-sentence project objective
* Project deliverables summarized by process areas (Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring and Controlling, and Closing – abbreviations are acceptable IN, PL, EX,
MC & CL)
* A brief, one-sentence project outcome

Project descriptions should be a high level summary of the tasks you led and directed on the project (e.g. Initiating: develop project charter, WBS etc.;
Planning: Scope definition etc.; and so on). Project management experience is required in each of the process areas when all projects are totaled, but not on
each project. Project descriptions must be provided for all projects submitted on application. Please revise the project descriptions.

Lastly, PMI defines a project as a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product service or result. Every project creates a unique product, service or
result such as:
o A product that can be either a component or another item, an enhancement of an item, or an end item in itself
o A service or a capability to perform a service(e.g., a business function that supports production or distribution)
o An improvement in the existing product or service lines (e.g., A Six Sigma product undertaken to reduce defects)
o A result, such as an outcome or document (e.g., research project that develops knowledge that can be used to determine whether a trend exists or a new process
will benefit society)

Your application has been moved to a pending status so that you may address the aforementioned concerns. To edit your application, please use our online certification
system at You may also view and download a copy of your submitted application. When complete, please submit your edited
application. Upon review of your re-submitted application, you will receive notification of your eligibility status via e-mail. If the information received is not
sufficient, your application may be formally closed.

Please contact us at if you have questions or concerns.

Thank you,
PMI Program Administration Team